IPIE Oct 6, 20191 min readOUR BLOG Updated: Mar 30, 2020We are here to support through these difficult times. We can support with skype lessons in Maths, Reading and Writing.admin@ipielearningcentre.com
We are here to support through these difficult times. We can support with skype lessons in Maths, Reading and Writing.admin@ipielearningcentre.com
What is happening to SEND children?https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmeduc/342/342.pdf Are we giving the children the right support?
What to talk about?Send us the topics you want us to deal with. While you wait, message us your concerns, questions or views and we will respond.
How do we support?We also offer Family support, meal support, couples and parenting support. We can also help to establish routine in the household. Your...